Stott Pilates®
De gevolgde opleidingen,cursussen en workshops.
ESSENTRICS® Level 2 certified.
ESSENTRICS® Level 3 certified.
STOTT PILATES® CEC Workshop Matwork Flow conditioning sequence with Leonieke Albreghs.
STOTT PILATES® CEC Workshop Twist ball workout with Jolanda Hoefnagels.
STOTT PILATES® CEC Workshop Prental Pilates on the Reformer with Leoniek Albrechts.
STOTT PILATES® CEC Workshop Reformer & Padded platform extender with Saulo Ouverney.
WORKSHOP Fall Prevention with Melanie Belford -Young (Education program)
ESSENTRICS® level 1 certified.
STOTT PILATES® CEC Workshop Stability Chair flow workout with Marina Buntovskikh.
STOTT PILATES® CEC Workshop Athletic Conditioning on the Reformer level 4 with Michele Carini.
STOTT PILATES® CEC Workshop Soft Kettlebell plus workout with Michele Carini.
STOTT PILATES® CEC Workshop Flowing Sequences with the conditioning Towel with Michele Carini.
STOTT PILATES® Intensive Barrels course.Ladder, Arc & Stability Barrels,Spine corrector by Jolanda Hoefnagels.
CEC Workshop STOTT PILATES® Flexion-Free by Michele Carini.
Franklin Method® Dynamic Pelvic Floor Fascia Workshop by Michele Carini.
CEC Workshop STOTT PILATES® Functional towel workout by Michele Carini.
MELT®+ Restorative Exercise for strong gait with Michele Carini. Part 2: Hips and buttocks (online)
MELT®+ Restorative Exercise for strong gait with Michele Carini. Part 1: feet to hips (online)
Movement logic foot tutorial with Laura Beversdorf, Anula Maiburg, Trina Altman & Sarah court. (online)
CEC Workshop STOTT PILATES® Prenatal Pilates on the mat with Jolanda Hoefnagels.
CEC Workshop STOTT PILATES® Sliding Mobility Disks for Dynamic Stabilization with Jennifer Dahl.
CEC Workshop STOTT PILATES® Matwork flow with weights with Michele Carini.
CEC Workshop STOTT PILATES® Post-Natal Pilates with Leonieke Albreghs
CEC Workshop STOTT PILATES® Prenatal Pilates on the mat with Jolanda Hoefnagels.
STOTT PILATES® HALO training Foundation Course with Michelle Carini.
Move Along Pilates & More with Jolanda Hoefnagels.
Move Along with the fascia lines with Jolanda Hoefnagels.
Master Mind Get closer to your feet with Leile Kester.
Movement Lab Melt for Pilates with Michelle Carini
Move Along Circuit equipment with Jolanda Hoefnagels.
Master Mind Spinal Articulation with Carol le Matire.
Movement Lab Build your backside and save your knees with Michelle Carini
CEC STOTT PILATES® Athletic Conditioning ont the arc barrel with Michelle Carini
CEC STOTT PILATES® Focus and Conditioning for golf on the mat with Michelle Carini.
STOTT PILATES® Intensive Reformer Course
Exam STOTT PILATES® Intensive Refomer course.
STOTT PILATES® Certified Mat & Refomer level 1 and 2.
STOTT PILATES® Certified Advanced Reformer.
Total Barre™ course Stott Pilates,de 1ste keer in Nederland door Jolanda Hoefnagels.
The Franklin Methode bij Studio Zuid in Eindhoven in 4 gedeelten.
Workshop Pilates stick 2. ( Peak Pilates® )
Masterclass Building Block with Brett Miller( from www.pilatesintel.com).
Masterclass Intensive Mat wiht Brett Miller.
Masterclass Applying Brett's work to everyday life.
Masterclass Dynamic reformer with Brett Miller.
Masterclass Garuda with Brett Miller.
Masterclass Melt & release the shoulders with Jolanda Hoefnagels.
Workshop Total Barre taster.
Workshop Best of Melt en Pilates.
Workshop a pregnant student in my group class.
Workshop Teaching skills.
CEC'S STOTT PILATES®:Precision & Control with the fitness circle from Dani Gonzales.
CEC'S STOTT PILATES®workshop: Mini stability ball workout from Jolanda Hoefnagels.
Workshop Pilates Stick 1.( Peak Pilates® )
Masterclass Melt : Pelvic floor and inner core health by Michelle Carini.
CEC'S STOTT PILATES®workshop:Athletic conditioning on stability cushions by Michelle Carini.
Workshop duo met props door Jolanda Hoefnagels en Leonieke Albreghs.
Masterclass Melt by Michelle Carini.
Masterworkshop Unilateral movement on the mat from Daniella Mallach.
CEC'S STOTT PILATES®workshop : Body weight training.
CEC'SSTOTT PILATES®workshop: Mat work flow with anckle tubing.
Bij K'dans in Den Haag.
Workshop Teachers door Jolanda Hoefnagels.
Melt worshops,the self treatment Methode door Jolanda Hoefnagels.
Training van Sally Belanger: inside-out training, mobility with stability and Anatomy & Biomechanics.
Bij Real Pilates in Dubai
STOTT PILATES® FA,Functional Anatomy.
STOTT PILATES® IMP, Intensive matt Workout.
STOTT PILATES® AV, Advance matt
![]() Mat workout met kleine bal | ![]() Barre workout | ![]() Reformer |
![]() Side band | ![]() Reformer met cardio tramp | ![]() kleine bal |
![]() Push up met grote bal |